‘Just horrible’: Islington residents call for traffic restrictions on Liverpool Road as council readies plans for liveable neighbourhood

Cllr Rowena Champion. Photograph: Islington Council

Residents say they want to see traffic cut on a busy Islington street that feels “like a motorway”.

The council is asking residents about traffic hotspots to help cut pollution on streets as it looks at ideas for a “liveable neighbourhood” in Laycock and Barnsbury.

The area is bounded by Upper Street, Pentonville Road and the Caledonian Road and Liverpool Road runs right through it.

Town Hall bosses want to cut motor traffic and pollution as part of ambitious plans for restrictions on 70 per cent of the borough’s streets.

Residents said they think Liverpool Road has become busier since Transport for London changed the junction at Highbury Corner and want more work done to cut traffic.

The council’s Liveable Neighbourhood will include more trees to increase the tree canopy and places for people to meet, as well as aims to make it safer for people to cycle and walk and encourage people to live the car at home. The scheme is likely to include traffic filters.

Rowena Champion, the councillor with responsibility for transport and the environment, said the scheme aims to give “people a healthy and sustainable life”.

Islington is one of six London boroughs thought to be at most risk of extreme weather caused by climate change.

Cllr Champion said fires that destroyed homes in London were a “wake-up call”.

She said the aim of the scheme is not to move cars from some streets to others but to cut motor traffic.

The council said its network of liveable neighbourhoods have seen a 49 per cent increase in bike use, and that air pollution on main roads has not been affected.

More than 200 residents joined an online meeting to hear about the plans for the new liveable neighbourhood.

Police were called to a previous meeting at West Library when more people turned up than the council expected and there was not enough room.

The council is holding workshops at the Town Hall on Tuesday 7 March for people to share their views and there is a waiting list because so many residents want to attend.

Detailed plans won’t be drawn up until the council has gathered feedback from residents.

A public consultation will be held in the autumn after residents have given their views on the initial designs, with the hope being that work will start next year.

The council has earmarked £5m for Liveable Neighbourhood schemes across Islington in 2023/24.

Some residents said the scheme was very welcome amid concern about the impact of poor air quality on people’s health.

Others said they did not think it was needed.

“It is just horrible,” one resident said of traffic on Liverpool Road. Others said sat navs are directing traffic onto the street, making life a misery.

Cllr Champion said: “We won’t ever treat it as a boundary road.”

The council said it will look at how to improve things. Other hotspots residents are worried about include Canonbury Lane and Offord Road.

The council said parking permits will not be affected and it wants to work with businesses and delivery vehicles.

Some residents raised concerns about how carers can get around if there are traffic restrictions.

The council said people with disabilities can nominate a single vehicle for exemptions.

Liverpool Road and Thornhill Road have attracted hundreds of comments on the council’s interactive map.

People can add their views on the map until Sunday 9 April.