Islington Council announces £16m budget to help young people facing homelessness

Islington Town Hall. Photograph: Islington Council
Islington Council has approved a £16 million budget for its Young People’s Supported Accommodation Pathway as it hopes to secure a further 100 housing units to meet growing demand.
The pathway supports vulnerable 16–25-year-olds who are facing homelessness; those with a history in the criminal justice system; and those with Care Act 2014 eligible needs and care leavers.
According to the Town Hall, the pathway “supports the council in fulfilling its duties as a corporate parent to looked-after children and care leavers” and is economically pragmatic as it aims “to prevent, reduce, or delay an adult social care need by promoting independence and preparing young people for adulthood”.
The additional funding will kick in after the current budget expires in 2025 and is for a period of six years.
The council currently provides 100 housing units as part of the pathway and hopes to double this number by 2031, depending on demand.
According to Cllr Williamson, executive member for health and social care, and Cllr Ngongo, executive member for children, young people and families, this will allow “young people in existing high-cost placements” to “move into any new provision secured via the framework”.
Their report continues: “However, we acknowledge potential challenges in achieving this objective relating to the challenged housing market, increasing costs and demands of the new Ofsted inspections for supported accommodation.
“There’s a possibility that some units currently in the pathway may not meet required Ofsted standards, and some incumbent providers may not be successful in the re-procurement process. This may lead to some young people needing to move.”